ATC reopens in Stauffer Library October 21

sign above the Adaptive Technology Centre in Stauffer Library


Teaching & Learning Support

Published Date:

We are excited to announce that the newly revitalized Adaptive Technology Centre will be opening in Stauffer Library on Monday, October 21. 

How does this affect the space and service? 

  • The Adaptive Technology Centre (ATC) space and its services will be moving permanently to rooms 120 and 119 in Stauffer Library. 
  • The ATC space and its services will no longer be available in Douglas Library after Friday, October 11. 
  • The ATC spaces will be closed in both Stauffer and Douglas libraries over the Fall Reading Week from October 15th to 20th to facilitate the move. 
  • Staff will continue to be available via email, or through Teams and/or Zoom for consultations from October 15 to 20. In-person service will resume on October 21. 
  • Students requiring quiet study space with a computer with assistive software (for example, Inspiration, JAWS, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Kurzweil 3000, and ZoomText) may book Study Room 134 Bracken Library or Study Rooms 218 or 219 in the Lederman Law Library

How does this affect the keycards? 

  • The new ATC study space will be keycard-access only. You will not need a keycard to access the ATC staff space during regular business hours. 
  • If you are registered with QSAS or the ATC and have a keycard for the temporary Douglas ATC, it will be automatically switched over to the new space. You do not need to take action. 
  • If you are registered with QSAS or the ATC and do not have a keycard, please email us at to arrange a meeting to receive one. 

What does the new ATC look like? 

The new ATC is divided into a staff section and a study section: 

Stauffer 119: Staff Space Located near the Stauffer Library main entrance. 

Accessible without a keycard during regular business hours. 

Find any of our Library Accessibility Services staff and the Accessibility Hub offices.

120: Adaptive Technology Centre (Study Space) 

Located near the Stauffer Library main entrance, one door down from the staff space. Keycard access only. 

Includes three study rooms, bookable only by QSAS-registered students: 120B, 120C, and 120D 

Includes six workstations with height-adjustable desks and ergonomic seating: 

  • 2 docking stations 
  • 2 computer stations with adaptive software 
  • 2 empty stations 
  • Eight comfortable seating options. 
  • Public printer connected to Library PrintQ. 

More information about the new ATC space will be updated on the library website closer to our move date. 

What will happen to the temporary Douglas ATC? 

We’re happy to announce that the Douglas ATC Study Room (Douglas 404) will continue to house adaptive technology. Like our other study rooms outside the ATC with adaptive technology, this room will be available for anyone to book, including those not registered with QSAS. This room will be bookable through the Douglas Library Rooms booking portal after our move. 

The Douglas ATC Lab (Douglas 405) will no longer have adaptive technology. It will resume its role as a classroom. The classroom will be bookable through LibCal. 

Thank you for your patience as our Stauffer space undergoes its transformation. We sincerely hope you feel at home in the new Adaptive Technology Centre in Stauffer Library. If you have any questions about or suggestions for our new space, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

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